Why you Need a Dentist Even When Nothing is Wrong
When your dental health seems to be in perfect condition, you might wonder why you need to see the dentist. In fact, many people skip their semi-annual dental appointments for this exact reason; they think that if nothing is wrong, there is nothing the dentist needs to do. This line of thinking is what creates a variety of dental issues in patients of all ages.
Preventive Dentistry Techniques
The most important thing that we do at routine appointments is taking preventative measures to stop serious issues from occurring down the road. A thorough, professional cleaning on its own is enough to keep your mouth much healthier than you could do on your own, but that is not all that we do. An examination will also be performed to determine if you are at risk for tooth decay, gum disease, bone loss or even cancer. We can then take the necessary steps to rectify the situation early on; this short but thorough exam could potentially save your life.
Discussing Necessary Changes in your Dental Care
As you age, your dental health care needs will change. At each of your appointments, we will discuss the necessary precautions and steps that you need to take to ensure that your dental health stays on track. You might not notice any changes occurring in your mouth, but we can tell when we perform our examination. Hormone changes, a new diet or a new medication can all have a drastic impact on your oral health, making it necessary for us to perform an exam and discuss the things that you need to change in order to preserve your oral health. |